Occupy NL is calling on concerned citizens to protest against the provincial government's Bill 29. This Saturday at 1 pm we will meet up in front of Confederation Building to voice our discontent. Bring a sign (and maybe even your pots and pans) to show how important government transparency and accountability is to you!
View Facebook event HERE.
Download Access Denied protest PDF here.
Download Access Denied protest PDF here.
If you'd like more information on the government's Bill 29, check out our earlier post. The opposition parties have proposed a significant number of amendments to the bill (a filibuster tactic), and so the house has been sitting for a few days now. The government is expected to close debate tonight at 1 am (Thursday June 14), so we encourage you to visit the House of Assembly gallery to lend moral support to the opposition while you still can. You can also follow the debate via the public access live stream, or get the play by play on twitter with tags #atippa #nlpoli #bill29

1 comment:
Thanks to Gordon Little / @Anubis_666 for letting us use his image!
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