Why we need a Social Justice Co-op in Newfoundland and Labrador right now.
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Sunday, May 5, 2013
May 10th -- Come out for the launch of the St. John's Social Justice Co-operative @ The Lantern 7-9 PM
Labels: co-op, community, Social Justice, st. john's
Monday, August 20, 2012
An Open Letter to Occupy NL
Dear Occupy NL,
I would like to help implement a think tank model for OccupyNL or an affiliated group. I believe there is a gaping hole downtown in this city for intellectual and theoretical applications of common good. OccupyNL has the capacity to render high political thought in text, image and action in this city and say goodbye to the failed Arts Faculty at Memorial, whom I’ve been waiting for to take the lead. I have waited for 25 years for Newfoundland culture, heritage and tourism to benefit more people economically than it currently does; that this has not happened, especially in the outports, means it is time for a change.
The oil industry has done more harm to Memorial culture than any other single event or leanings; it has rendered the Arts at Memorial at the St. John’s campus completely moot philosophically or as a body in relation to city culture, impact or social progression. Occupy NL can fill this gap as a body with some specific strategies. Occupy NL has the knowledge base and the writing skills to do this.
In the early 1990s I worked for the U.S. National Park Service to collect folklife and lore regarding the railroad, steel and coal heritage in the devastated, post-industrial American wasteland of southwestern Pennsylvania.
The project’s mandate was to document occupationally-based folklife in the region and then use the data to create tourism products filtered through an actively de-politicized
~Kathryn Foley
I would like to help implement a think tank model for OccupyNL or an affiliated group. I believe there is a gaping hole downtown in this city for intellectual and theoretical applications of common good. OccupyNL has the capacity to render high political thought in text, image and action in this city and say goodbye to the failed Arts Faculty at Memorial, whom I’ve been waiting for to take the lead. I have waited for 25 years for Newfoundland culture, heritage and tourism to benefit more people economically than it currently does; that this has not happened, especially in the outports, means it is time for a change.
The oil industry has done more harm to Memorial culture than any other single event or leanings; it has rendered the Arts at Memorial at the St. John’s campus completely moot philosophically or as a body in relation to city culture, impact or social progression. Occupy NL can fill this gap as a body with some specific strategies. Occupy NL has the knowledge base and the writing skills to do this.
In the early 1990s I worked for the U.S. National Park Service to collect folklife and lore regarding the railroad, steel and coal heritage in the devastated, post-industrial American wasteland of southwestern Pennsylvania.
The project’s mandate was to document occupationally-based folklife in the region and then use the data to create tourism products filtered through an actively de-politicized
government commission. Folklorists were very naive when we began working with public money in the 1980s in the US.
Newfoundland provincial policy has caught up, so to speak, with very bad tourism sector models from elsewhere. The trickle down economic model local governments use rarely trickles down to those who most need it. There are alternative models available to us, some that can be customized for Newfoundland and other, original models will undoubtedly be created.
Newfoundland provincial policy has caught up, so to speak, with very bad tourism sector models from elsewhere. The trickle down economic model local governments use rarely trickles down to those who most need it. There are alternative models available to us, some that can be customized for Newfoundland and other, original models will undoubtedly be created.
If anyone would like to join me in this I would love to hear from you. . The group could meet at my house. I’m looking to gather people who 1) want to explore government policy in tourism, economics and heritage as it stands, for its impact on everyday life in contemporary Newfoundland; and 2) provide independent, non-governmental, meaningful alternatives for communities or individuals. If there was someone or two in Labrador who wanted to participate via computer, on behalf of Big Land cultures, he or she would be very welcome. I think these sessions could act like internal sit-ins.
~Kathryn Foley
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Labels: community, occupynewfoundland, open letter, think tank
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Harbourside Kitchen — Help Wanted!

From their blog:
So a large percentage of the Harbourside Kitchen crew will be moving out of province in the near future, and we'll likely be without a CEO, health inspector and eventually a groundskeeper.
Are you interested in any of the following things?
If you'd like to quickly move up the ranks in a fast-growing corporation that is concerned with synergy and capitalism or synergies in capitalism, you can go [insert profanity of choice here] yourself.
- Putting a bunch of ingredients on a table and saying "...It's done!"
- Taking naps in the afternoon.
- Storing a propane tank.
- Taking naps in the afternoon.
- Being part of some inside jokes.
- Being a super cool punk rocker.
- Not appearing in photos.
- Taking naps in the afternoon.
- Cooking for people and doing it outside.
If you're not interested in that sort of thing, then you might want to consider applying for a highly taxing position with Harbourside Kitchen. You can , leave a comment on this post, or talk to us when we're cooking (next excursion will be Thursday 12:30-3 pm, corner of George and Water) or if you happen to recognize us on the street!
~Next cooking adventure is Thursday Aug 2nd, from 12:30-3:30 pm.~
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Sunday, May 13, 2012
Message from InterOccupy Canada
Here's a message from our friends at InterOccupy Canada:
"Dear friends, family, sisters, and brothers of the Occupy movement,
A few of us in Interoccupy Canada have taken it upon ourselves to do research across the board into the diverse visions, missions and meanings that hold true to Occupy. We are interested in connecting and working together with all of the groups in our nation for the common goals of the 99%. In order to move forward with co-operation on this front in a strong manner, we would like to compile a list of these definitions and find common ground to work together on. Together we stand strong. Separated we are weakened. We are the 99%. Let us build a community of hope together.
If you are interested in helping us with this idea, please provide us with these details (They may be snappy sentences or novels - give us everything you think will help):
Labels: community, interoccupy, occupy, occupy canada, solidarity
Friday, March 23, 2012
Public Event: The Future We Want -- A Discussion Panel
A Discussion Panel: Sustainable Development in Newfoundland and Labrador
Sunday April 1, 2012 at 2:00-4:00 pm at The Lantern
Sunday April 1, 2012 at 2:00-4:00 pm at The Lantern
Labels: community, event, sustainability
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Fiat Currency workshop this Tuesday
REPOST (again):
Third time's the charm! Join OccupyNL this Tuesday February 21 at 8 PM for a workshop on fiat currency (rescheduled twice now, but we are persistent!). We will be meeting at MUN in the Science building, room SN4068. Free parking available in lot 15B (map).
Prof. Josh Lepawsky and Lori Heath, Coordinator of the LETS Barter Network and Executive Director of Common Ground, will facilitate a discussion on what money is, where it comes from and how it is created... and how communities can create their own money to provide for local needs.
Check out this short video for a 4-minute backgrounder:
Third time's the charm! Join OccupyNL this Tuesday February 21 at 8 PM for a workshop on fiat currency (rescheduled twice now, but we are persistent!). We will be meeting at MUN in the Science building, room SN4068. Free parking available in lot 15B (map).
Prof. Josh Lepawsky and Lori Heath, Coordinator of the LETS Barter Network and Executive Director of Common Ground, will facilitate a discussion on what money is, where it comes from and how it is created... and how communities can create their own money to provide for local needs.
Check out this short video for a 4-minute backgrounder:
Friday, January 20, 2012
Uniterra Towards 2015: Symposium Series
WhenWednesday, February 8, 2012
Time3:30pm until 7:00pm
WhereThe Landing, UC (Universit
y Centre) -
DescriptionOn Wednesday, February 8th, WUSC-MUN will be hosting the 2012 edition of the “Uniterra Towards 2015: Symposium Series.” The theme for this year is "food and water security." There will be three speakers, all speaking on contemporary local and international issues. The speakers are:
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Brian Topp's Tax Proposal
It is rare to hear a Canadian politician speak about tax increases in non-apologetic tones, so it was refreshing to read federal NDP leadership candidate Brian Topp's policy paper Bringing Balance and Fairness to Canada's Tax System. His proposal responds to many concerns expressed by the Occupy movement, with tax increases focussed on the 1%.
The specifics include:
The specifics include:
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Labels: art, community, discussion, event, human rights, issues, research
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Open Letter in Telegram -- "Making the right decision on the Occupy Movement'"
** This open letter appeared in the Telegram on November 24, 2011 under the title "Making the right decision on the Occupy Movement." If anyone can find the link to it, please leave in comments. **
Dear Mayor O’Keefe,
We write today to express our thanks and congratulations to you and your council on the mature and wise way in which you are handling the Occupy Newfoundland and Labrador camp down at Harbourside Park. We have watched the Occupy movement grow from the first Occupy Wall Street camp in Zuccotti Park in New York in September to hundreds of camps all over the world. They are all different but all express a sense of outrage at the growing inequality in the world, a condemnation at the injustices all around us and a desire to stand in solidarity with the massive majority suffering from a clearly ‘broken’ world system. Of course their goals are ‘unclear’; how could they not be faced with such runaway chaos with complex roots and no clear solutions? But their passion to stand up and say ‘enough’ is clear enough, and their desire to find peaceful and cooperative ways to run their camps is deeply impressive.
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Friday, December 16, 2011
OccupyNL on CBC On the Go
On the Go’s Maggie Gillis spends some time down at the Occupy NL site in Harbourside Park.
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Labels: camp, community, harbourside, news
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
#Occupy Words in Edgewise on Wednesday
What’s this Occupy business everyone has been on about? WiE gets to the bottom of it with two speakers, two poets, a musician, an artist painting live, and a healthy dose of discussion on Wednesday, December 14 at 8pm at Eastern Edge Gallery. More info available here.
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Labels: art, community, event, human rights
Monday, December 12, 2011
International Human Rights Week Events

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Labels: activism, community, event, human rights
Sidewalk Clearing Rally Today
The Essential Transit Association is planning a rally in support of sidewalk snow clearing today at Harbourside Park starting at 3:30. More details available here.
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Labels: activism, community, event, human rights
Friday, December 9, 2011
Human Rights Day panel discussion this Saturday

Larger version available here.
This panel discussion is the first of our events for the International Week of Action on Human Rights. You can find our poster for this week's events here
And we also have a flyer for the week, you can find a copy here
For the Words in Edgewise event on Wednesday, read their blog for more information.
This panel discussion is the first of our events for the International Week of Action on Human Rights. You can find our poster for this week's events here
And we also have a flyer for the week, you can find a copy here
For the Words in Edgewise event on Wednesday, read their blog for more information.
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Labels: activism, community, event, human rights
Saturday, December 3, 2011
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