Based on the article “Municipal leaders express concerns about fracking” by Christopher Vaughan, The Western Star April 20, 2013
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Questions for Black Spruce on the possibility of Hydraulic Fracturing on the West Coast of Newfoundland
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Labels: Ban Fracking, Black Spruce Exploration Corp., Canada, Flat Bay, fracking, IdleNoMore, labrador, Lark Harbour, newfoundland, Oil and Gas, Port au Port, Shoal Point Energy, Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing
Sunday, April 14, 2013
A 4 O’clock Whistle Documentary on the Recent Cuts to the College of the North Atlantic and the Student’s Response:
Including In-depth Interviews, Rally Footage, and Personal Messages from Students and Concerned Citizens
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Labels: 99% Film Fest, Canada, College of The North Atlantic, documentary, education, labrador, manifencours, newfoundland, Students
Saturday, April 6, 2013
***Facebook event page for province wide rally points***
This coming Wednesday, April 10th at 12:00 PM, Students at the College of the North Atlantic in Corner Brook, joined by CNA students across the province, will walk out of the school to protest cuts to the CNA. The demonstration will start at the CNA at noon, and from there will march to the Sir Richard Squires Building.
All citizens of Corner Brook and the Surrounding Area, including the students, faculty and staff of Grenfell Campus are invited to join the demonstration in a show of solidarity.
Something to note: Memorial University is currently under review, and may be facing cuts in the future. It is IMPORTANT to point out that many of the programs that have been cut at the College of The North Atlantic had more students enrolled in them then there are in many of Memorial’s programs.
This is an issue that affects all of us, and now is the time to stand together!
Let’s show support for the students!
Come to the demonstration:
Wednesday, April 10th at 12:00 PM, Starting at the CNA
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Labels: austerity, Canada, College of The North Atlantic, Corner Brook, education, Grenfell Campus, Happy Valley Goose Bay, labrador, Memorial University, newfoundland, st. john's
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Fracking Awareness Group Media Release
Port au Port/Bay St. George Fracking Awareness Group
Media Release
March 19, 2013
Re: Port au Port /Bay St. George Fracking Awareness Group is asking Government to take a Precautionary Approach in the Regulation of Fracking for Oil and Gas.
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Labels: #IdleNoMore, 99%, Anti-Fracking, BanFracking, Bay St. George, Canada, environment, Environmentalism, fracking, Hydraulic Fracturing, labrador, newfoundland, occupy, Port au Port, Shoal Point Energy
Monday, March 11, 2013
A Letter from MP Gerry Byrne Regarding Proposals for Hydraulic Fracturing on the West Coast of Newfoundland
Dear Dr. Simpson:
Thank you for your email regarding the process of hydrocarbon extraction
through the process of hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’. While most oil
exploration and commercial production activity in Canada occurs exclusively
under provincial management and regulation, the federal government does
regulate offshore activity and that which takes place in the Canadian North.
Toxic chemicals, however, are under federal jurisdiction and the process of
fracking is understood to involve the introduction of various chemicals
including various acids and abrasives into the targeted rock formations and
is, therefore, very much under federal oversight.
Thank you for your email regarding the process of hydrocarbon extraction
through the process of hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’. While most oil
exploration and commercial production activity in Canada occurs exclusively
under provincial management and regulation, the federal government does
regulate offshore activity and that which takes place in the Canadian North.
Toxic chemicals, however, are under federal jurisdiction and the process of
fracking is understood to involve the introduction of various chemicals
including various acids and abrasives into the targeted rock formations and
is, therefore, very much under federal oversight.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Regular Talking Circles on the West Coast of Newfoundland to Address the Systemic Causes of Social and Environmental Injustice in the Province – First Talking Circle (March 17th)
The first in a series of Talking Circles (to rotate between St. Georges and Corner Brook) will be held on Sunday, March 17th starting at 2 pm in the Cultural Centre, St Georges. These circles will be aimed at addressing the systemic causes of social and environmental injustice in the Newfoundland and Labrador.
A talking circle is used as a way to organize group discussions in an egalitarian manner. Group members typically sit in a circle and discuss issues with simple rules: the talking stick, or other object, is passed around the circle, and the person holding the talking stick may speak though the "holder" may allow interjection. It can be a place where people come together for personal healing in search for new directions or to make amends. People participating are there to deal with whatever the subject is and talking stick encourages effective speaking and listening/acknowledging.
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Labels: #IdleNoMore, #Occupy, #OWS, #TalkingCircle, 99%, activism, Canada, environment, Environmentalism, human rights, labrador, newfoundland, Philosophy, Social Change, Social Justice
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