The fourth film in the 99% Film Fest is Money by Isaac Isitan. The film will be shown on Tuesday January 24th at 7:30 pm, in room SN4068. A map can be found here, the building is marked 21 and free parking is available in lot 15B. Admission is FREE!
Update: the date of the film has been changed to January 24th to avoid conflict with a public forum on Muskrat Falls.
"Filmed in Argentina and in Turkey at a time when both countries are going through the worst financial crisis in their history, the film exposes the root causes of the crisis. It looks at how structural adjustment programs, imposed by the International Monetary Fund, have destroyed the two countries' economies, tapping their resources for foreign interests and gutting the value of their national currency.
Money is the blood of the economy and the basis of exchange. Deprived of money, Argentinians have a revolutionary idea and create their own currency. For them, it is a question of survival.
This phenomenon is not limited to countries in crisis. There are over 3000 barter networks for goods and services based on local currency. In the heart of the United States, in Ithaca (NY), the director met with a community for whom the local currency is the expression of their political will to support and develop local exchange at a time when capital so easily crosses borders."

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