Sunday, March 11, 2012

#Robogate protest in St. John's, NL

On March 11th, as part of nation-wide protest against electoral fraud and voter suppression in the last election (the robocalls scandal), Occupy NL and concerned citizens congregated at Colonial Building in St. John's. Much of the sentiment, regardless of individual political belief, was disgust at flagrant disregard for democratic processes Canadians hold dear. For more information and background on voter suppression, please see our press release and the facebook event page.

Update: At tonight's General Assembly, we decided to hold another follow-up rally on March 25, two weeks from today, barring any unforeseen updates with the investigation. Location tentatively set for the same place, Colonial Building, time TBA.
See you all in two weeks!  Stand up for your right to vote!

More pictures and video to be added soon

Relevant articles:


Anonymous said...

See here for the Telegram article on the protest:

Anonymous said...

CBC article with video here:

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