Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

R.I.P NL Democracy

via People's Assembly NL

Please join us to mark the passing of democracy in Newfoundland and Labrador on December 5, 2012. Visitation hours are from 12-3 PM on the stairs of Confederation Building, where a book of condolences will be available for signing.

NL Democracy was born in 1832. It suffered a near death experience in 1933, was partially resuscitated in 1949, but is set to be executed December 5, 2012.

NL Democracy leaves behind to mourn the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, present and future. In lieu of flowers, please join us for a vigil and memorial service at Confederation Building.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Muskrat Falls direct action planning

** UPDATE: Nov 5th —We will be continuing our organizing at the GA tonight as well. 7 pm. Harbourside Park. Join us!

We will be discussing direct action on Muskrat Falls at our General Assembly tonight (Tues Oct. 30) at Harbourside Park at 7 PM. This is not about pro or con Muskrat Falls. This is about political process and civic engagement.

We are calling for an NL People's Assembly on principles of direct democracy to address shortcomings of a top-down political system.

Now is the time to reclaim the power of the people. Rise up NL!

Check out some of the other Muskrat actions in Labrador.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Canada-China Investment Treaty (#FIPPA) Information Round-up

The Canada-China FIPPA (Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act) was quietly tabled in the House of Commons on September 26th. This was the first time anyone got a chance to see the full text of an agreement that will be automatically ratified after 21 sitting days without any parliamentary debate or vote. 

Check out this great new website: FIPA FACTS.

FIPPA will bind municipal, provincial and federal government for the next 15 years to terms that have been shown to favour Chinese investors rights in ways that infringe on Canadian sovereignty and democracy. Even if a future government wanted to cancel the treaty, a one-year notice is required, and then after the cancellation the treaty guarantees another 15 years of treaty benefits to Chinese operations in Canada. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Black Out Speak Out June 4th Against Bill C-38

 Join local Newfoundland and Labrador environmental community organizations for a press conference to be held on Monday June 4 at Harbourside Park at 10 AM. It is part of the broader Black Out Speak Out campaign being organized across the country in opposition to the omnibus Bill C-38, (a 425-page bill being rushed through Parliament), which would weaken many of the country's most important environmental protection measures. Read more about specific reasons the bill is undemocratic and destructive on many fronts.

Concerned citizens at Harbourside Park June 4 for the press conference
organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Network.
 View the Top Five Reasons to Speak Out and download a top ten list (from the Black Out Speak Out website) for more info.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The future of Occupy NL

**Join the Facebook event here!**

GLOBAL CONTEXT: May 15th is a global day of action for the Occupy movement. The Indignados from Spain are celebrating their one year anniversary and hundreds of thousands of people have re-occupied squares all over Spain and continue to hold the space. Occupy Wall Street and a broad affiliation of organizations will join together for a sit-down strike and mass assembly in Times Squares at 6 PM.This action will focus on the Banks and their role in the Global Economic Crisis. Occupy NL stands in solidarity with the global movement against austerity and seeks to move towards economic justice worldwide during this day of global action.

We will be evicted from Harbourside Park today, May 15th. Despite all odds, Occupy NL has lasted through the winter, but now that Spring is here the City of St. John's is preparing for tourist season. Read another important blogpost on the subject.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

#MayDay Recap at Harbourside Park, St. John's

May Day saw huge protests around the world -- Occupy Wall Street and have great coverage of U.S protests. This Global May newsletter will get you up to speed on May Day and other upcoming May events worldwide.

Here's the CBC's coverage of the May Day protests across Canada. Occupy NL also participated in this Spring upsurge of people power, of momentum towards the global change we so desperately need.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Get Fraud out of Parliament! March 11th, noon at the Colonial Building

On Sunday, March 11th, Occupy NL will take part in a co-ordinated, nationwide protest against the perversion of Canadian democracy in the last election (the robocalls scandal). For more information, please see the Get Fraud Out of Parliament! event page, which brings together a comprehensive list of background links.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Open the House event picked up by NTV

Check out the coverage on NTV and Tom's interview!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Uniterra Towards 2015: Symposium Series

    • When
      Wednesday, February 8, 2012
    • Time
      3:30pm until 7:00pm
  • Where
    The Landing, UC (University Centre)
  • Description
    On Wednesday, February 8th, WUSC-MUN will be hosting the 2012 edition of the “Uniterra Towards 2015: Symposium Series.” The theme for this year is "food and water security." There will be three speakers, all speaking on contemporary local and international issues. The speakers are:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Information round-up on #CETA

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a proposed free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union. It has had very little media attention or public debate - most Canadians have never heard of it. However, its far-reaching agreements, once passed, will be nearly impossible to amend or back out of. This is why more public debate and discussion is essential, yet the CETA negotiations have been happening behind closed doors with corporations at the helm.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Balloting and Electoral Reform

Part of this post was transcribed from the webpage of razorbill press. Anyone interested in joining a working group on political/electoral reform is encouraged to join the facebook group or contact us at

We need better politics, better politicians. What's our problem?

We lurch from crisis to crisis, rarely noting that we attend to the details of each crisis, but ignore its fundaments.

Actually, most crises are the same when you peel away the details. Most crises exist because somebody forgot something, somebody didn't think something through, somebody did somebody a favour, somebody pulled a fast one, somebody lied, somebody didn't bother to check. Something happened that was not supposed to happen. Not thought through. By somebody.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How the Occupy movement is already changing everything

Via Yes Magazine
1. It names the source of the crisis.
Political insiders have avoided this simple reality: The problems of the 99% are caused in large part by Wall Street greed, perverse financial incentives, and a corporate takeover of the political system. Now that this is understood, the genie is out of the bottle and it can’t be put back in.
2. It provides a clear vision of the world we want.
We can create a world that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest 1%. And we, the 99%, are using the spaces opened up by the Occupy movement to conduct a dialogue about the world we want.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is OccupyNL?

We Are
your customers
your friends
We Are
citizens and neighbours
We Are
and situations
We Are
and assemblage

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

C-10 Petition

Hey everyone, the final version of the C-10 petition can be found on Google Docs, here

To download a copy, look to the top right of the screen and press "Download a copy". Each person going around getting signatures has to have a copy of the first page, you can append as many of the second page onto that as you need. Printing them double sided is ok according to parliamentary procedure.

We need as many signatures as possible, as soon as possible, so everybody with a printer start printing and getting your neighbors/coworkers/family/fri
ends to sign! There is also a call for volunteers to canvas the city, please post in the C-10 Facebook group about that. If you're not in the group, send a message to and ask to be added. Everyone is welcome!

Even if you can't help canvas, I strongly urge people to at least try their immediate area, your neighbors, and anyone else you come into contact with.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

EVENT: Democracy Jam -- Music made from 100% real democracy

Along with the Saturday Family Day activities, everyone is invited to participate in a Democracy Jam session! (12 p.m - 6 p.m at Harbourside Park Saturday Oct 29)

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