Adam Walsh interviewed three occupiers on May 14 down at Harbourside Park about the looming eviction on May 15th. Have a listen here.
Also, check out these articles:
CBC: Eviction day for Occupy NLers
CBC's Here and Now (video): Eviction tonight?
CBC News: Here and Now - May 15 (video) (2:22 - 3:14) and (11:17:30 - 11:19:20)
Telegram: Occupy NL eviction loomsNational Post: Occupy stalwart St. John’s, NL, to be kicked out by midnight
Globe and Mail (video): After Eight Months, St. John's Occupy Protestors Pack Up
Calgary Herald: After long winter, Newfoundland Occupy diehards told to pack it in
NTV: OccupyNL packs up its tents
May 16th:
Occupy NL's resolution to have a peaceful sit-in.
CBC: Occupy NL removes camp before St. John's deadline
CBC's Here and Now (video): Occupy NL Moves
The Telegram: City thanks Occupy NL members for removing camp
The Vancouver Sun: All-winter Occupy N.L. campers leave St. John's park cleanly, quietly
The Telegram: City thanks Occupy NL members for removing camp
The Vancouver Sun: All-winter Occupy N.L. campers leave St. John's park cleanly, quietly

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